Moo Duk Kwan, Kwang Jang
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Relaunch of Moo Yei Shi Bo
Greetings World Moo Duk Kwan Soo Bahk Do Members
I am happy to provide you with an update on the Heritage Membership Program by way of the first newsletter publication in support of that effort.
Although the target audience is the new Heritage membership, the contents are applicable for all the Moo Duk Kwan family, as you are the owners of this program, which has come about through your direct support.
It is only fitting that you receive this information first-hand.
I am proud of the product, as well of the effort our Heritage membership Program MDK Liaisons put forth to create it.
Although I mention that this is the first edition targeting the Heritage audience, it is actually the resurrection of the Moo Yei Shi Bo, published by the Founder for 8 editions, which ended in April 1961.
The 9th edition was not allowed publication due to the political upheaval at that time. After 60 years, the 9th edition is now published on the date it was originally planned, May 1. This historical context goes hand in hand with the Heritage Membership Program ideals.
The article themes of History, Tradition, Philosophy, Discipline/Respect, and Technique will be reoccurring for each issue.
The Tradition section will highlight new Heritage Members as well as Moo Duk Kwan pioneers.
I hope you enjoy the contents. This will be distributed 4 times each year.
H.C. Hwang, Sa Bom
Moo Duk Kwan, Kwan Jang