1948 Moo Duk Kwan Photos

The Hwa Soo Do Kyo Bon publication by Moo Duk Kwan® founder Hwang Kee was a highlight of Moo Duk Kwan® history in 1948.

1948 KJN Hwang Kee doing Jang Kap Kwon - 1948.jpg
1948 KJN Hwang Kee doing Jang Kap Kwon - 1948.jpg
MDK before the war The KJN Hwang Kee performing Jang Kap Kwon Kong Kyuk in the Hwa Soo Do Kyo Bon in 1947-1948 time period.
1948 KJN Hwang Kee side kick - 1948.jpg
1948 KJN Hwang Kee side kick - 1948.jpg
MDK before the Korean war The KJN is performing Yup Podo Cha Gi with extention of Huh Ri which was very unique for the MDK at that time. Photo took 1947-1948 time period.
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1948-11-4_the 4th_Shim_Sa.jpg
Before the Korean war The 4th Moo Duk Kwan Shim Sa for the Tang Soo Do Class at the Ministry of Transportation on November 4, 1948.
MDK before the Korean war The 3rd MDK Shim Sa at the Department of Transportation Tang Soo Do Dojang in April 28, 1948. Guests were attended from other Kwan included Mr. Yun, Byong In who is the founder of the YMCA Kwon Bup Bu.
1948_ August 21, 2005 (29).jpg
1948_ August 21, 2005 (29).jpg
MDK before the Korean war Demonstration for public by the Moo Duk Kwan members in 1948

If you have Moo Duk Kwan® related photos from this time period and would like to contribute them to this documetary of the Moo Duk Kwan® History email us at  ihavephotos@moodukkwan.net



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