Last UpdatedWednesday, April 4, 2018
1959 introduction goes here…
Tang Soo Do class at the US 8th Army during 1959. Seated far left is Cho, Hwan Sa Bom (80) and far right is Shim, Sang Kyu Sa Bom (180). A far right of the 2nd role is Lawarence Seiberlich Sa Bom(1815).
Rating: 5.00
Certificate of appreciation awarding to General Moore in 1959 from the left Mun Ku Baek SB (121), Jong Soo Hong SB (10), Sang Kyu Shim SB (180) Sa Bom and Gen. Moore on behalf of the Founder, Hwang Kee.
Bong Ho Sin Sool Demonstration at Yong San in 1959. Attacker is Kang Uk Lee SB (70)
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The 1st Gup Shim Sa of the O San Moo Duk Kwan Branch Dojang in April 12, 1959. Se Jhoon Oh (26 ), Song Heon Chung (28 ), Tchang Yong Chung (15), Jae Joon Kim (38), Poong Tcheon Kim (17), Jae Young Bong (58) are seen among other MDK senior instructors.
MDK students of the Policy academy cadets with Hwang Kee KJN during the Summer camp in 1959.
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Jom Chon branch Dojang students after the demonstration on September 28, 1959. Jong Soo Hong (Dan Bon #10) is seating.
Cho Hwan SB (left) and Sang Kyu Shim Sa Bom (right) with Hwang Kee KJN at Yong San in 1959. Sang Kyu Shim (80) SB is the first instructor to introduce the Moo Duk Kwan in USA by the founder.
If you have Moo Duk Kwan® related photos from this time period and would like to contribute them to this documetary of the Moo Duk Kwan® History email us at