
Photo Albums are being compiled and organized to cover each decade of Moo Duk Kwan® history.

Thank you for your patience as we create this important historical reference.

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Villalba memorial 2.jpg

WMDK Memorial Supporting photos

file all WMDK memorial photos and videos in this folder for future reference
bonsighnore sbn and frampton sbn.jpg

WMDK Current photos 2016 -2020

More additions to the MDK collections of photos including current photos and at times some vintage photos recently obtained,
ceremony @ the US Nationals.jpg

USA Ko Dan Ja Photos

Various photos from different KDJSS throughout the USA.
SEALS in Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.jpg

SEALS Conferences 2000-2004

various photos from the SEALS Conferences
master bonefont KJN and Ruqus Sa bom NIm.jpg

Photos from Kwan Jang Nim's 70th Birthday Training and Celebration 4 Mar 2017

Photos from Kwan Jang Nim's 70th Birthday Training and Celebration 4 Mar 2017
central hq mdk 1962 in Korea.jpg

moo duk kwan 1963 photo

The picture on History of Moodukkwan (Central Dojang members) in 1963. On the Warship of 7th Fleet of USA.
2008 Korea KDJ training 4.jpg

Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Korea

Various years of the Korean Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa groups

Han Dol Winter Camp 2017 (Region 1 USA)

photos taken from facebook and other sources showing activities at the region 1 Han Dol Winter Camp 2017, hosted by Tsai Sa Bom Nim.


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