2nd National Virtual Competition Kicks Off with a Very Special Historical Promotion Event

On July 24, 2021, as it has been at many National Festivals, significant events, presentations and awards occur usually right after opening ceremonies and welcoming remarks by the Kwan Jang Nim.  Saturday, the 2nd National Virtual Competition was held, after opening welcoming remarks by the Kwan Jang Nim, there was one special promotion presentation.    During the zoom streaming event, our Kwan Jang Nim presented Dan promotions for Sip Dan to two lifelong members, Wha Yong Chung, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon#410, SAC member; and Lawrence Seiberlich, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon #1815, SAC, Charter Member of the U.S. SBDMDK Fed.

A special video was shown to honor Sa Bom Nim W. Y. Chung and Sa Bom Nim Lawrence Seiberlich, both Ku Dan members, as significant Pioneers and Contributors in the Moo Duk Kwan.



During the zoom streaming event, our Kwan Jang Nim presented the very first Dan Certificate promotions for Sip Dan to both lifelong members, in the World Moo Duk Kwan.  The Kwan Jang Nim, personally read the certificate credentials in Korean.   

Kwan Jang Nim shared historical insights about the evolution of the art and the Ko Dan Ja, (when it was implemented in 1960, for the first time).  He also highlighted both Sa Bom nims in a personal and emotional manner, paying tribute and honoring their dedication and sacrifices to the Moo Duk Kwan.

There were many members, like myself, who were present to witness this historical event, it was truly an honor to be able to see the first ever Sip Dan Certificates, which were presented to two Moo Do In, who have served with honor and distinction.  Congratulations to Chung Sa Bom Nim and Seiberlich Sa Bom Nim, on their promotion to Sip (10th) dan in the World Moo Duk Kwan.  (Special thanks to Lemner Sa Bom Nim for the use of the captured photographs, Kamsahamnida.)  In the near future, video of the streamed event will be viewable to see on the Soo Bahk Do Institute.

Respectfully submitted,

Roberto Bonefont, Sr. #13927

WMDK Contributing Webmaster

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