Moo Duk Kwan® School Proudly Remembers Nikolaos Zouraris, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon 21539

Black-Ribbon38-4-2013 12-52-25 AMAbove Nikolaos Zouraris, Dan Bon 21539 Sa Bom Nim honored by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, in Seoul, South Korea during the 60th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan® in 2005, for his outstanding contributions to the Hellas Moo Duk Kwan® (Greece).

On the far left above is Nikolaos Zouraris, Sa Bom Nim.  A link on Facebook said it best about Zouraris Sa Bom Nim:

Greece has lost a leader!  

The president of the Greek T.A.C. and representative of Greece Master Nikos Zouraris has left us!

Hundreds of people, instructors, students, parents, friends, have escorted him to his last home! After surviving a heart attack a few of years ago, unfortunately this time his heart stopped at his 51 years of age.

Farewell Great Master, we will always remember you!

I have the personal pleasure of meeting Zouraris Sa Bom Nim in Korea during the 60th Anniversary, and he was a great spirit, I remember him arm and arm with Bonsignore Sa bom Nim dancing with his Moo Do brothers and sisters, he will be greatly missed.

“Copyright 2013 by World Moo Duk Kwan®”

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