Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Hwang Kee Timeline

Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 3 (1960's) in a series of timelines about his life and the history of his Moo Duk Kwan® martial art school.    Click on the hyperlinks to see historic photos in the history of the Moo Duk Kwan®


Hwang Kee Moo Duk Kwan® Martial Art School Founder and

Soo Bahk Do® and tang soo do martial art system creator




main entrance to Joong Ang Do Jang in Seoul mdk hq
Main entrance to Moo Duk Kwan Headquarters in Seoul, Korea, it was called the “Joong Ang” Do Jang.
  • 1960 June, Authored Tang Soo Do self-defense textbook
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  • 1960 June, Created name “Soo Bahk Do” from ancient name of Soo Bahk, Soo Bahk Ki, or Soo Bahk Hee
  • 1960 June 30th, Moo Duk Kwan and Ji Do Kwan were joined as the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, headed by Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee.
  • 1960 September, Published Moo Yei Si Bo (Martial Arts Newspaper)






The monthly newspaper was published by the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Moo Duk Kwan; 1st issue published on September 1, 1960, publication ended on April 1, 1961, with a total of 8 issues, due to the military coup on May 16,  1961, the publication was titled Moo Yei Si Bo.

  • 1960 June 30th: Using ancient Korean martial arts name, incorporated and registered with the Korean Ministry of Education under the name of Dae Han Soo Bahk Do Hoe (Korean Soo Bahk Do Association) becoming the first member association.

Below is an except from the Moo Duk Kwan History showing the original certificate of incorporation of the Soo Bahk Do Association:

birth of soo bahk do association



This is the beginning of the “Golden Era” for the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, Moo Duk  Kwan

mdk demo at military base 1960
Moo Duk Kwan Demonstration at a Military Base in Korea 1960
1960 mdk students at Kyong Buk Province branch in 1960
Moo Duk Kwan Students at Kyong Buk Province Branch in 1960
annual moo do contest at MOT Korea, Cho Hwan (80) receiving award
Annual Moo Do contest at Ministry of Transportation Korea, Cho Hwan (Dan Bon #80) is receiving the award.
15th anniversary of mdk usa china korea demo
Opening Ceremonies for the 15th Moo Duk Kwan Anniversary, Goodwill demo between USA, China and Korea. The Founder is presented a gift.
opening ceremony 15th anniversary mdk in korea
Opening Ceremony at the 15th Anniversary of the Moo Duk Kwan in Korea 1960.
naval academ cadets in 1960 J T Hwang (11) is in the group
Naval Academy Cadets in 1960, Founder Hwang Kee is seated in the center, and Jin Tae Hwang SBN (Dan Bon #11), the instructor of the cadets, is shown in the group.
summer camp 1960
Bom II Branch Summer Camp July 1960


Yong Deung Po Do Jang in Seoul Grand Opening with new constructed building on Nov 12, 1960
Yong Deung Po Dojang in Seoul Grand Opening with new constructed building on Nov 12 1960. The Founder is seated in the center.
Founder receives flowers from his student at the 15th anniversary celebration
Founder Hwang Kee, receives flowers from his student at the 15th anniversary celebration.
Kyok Pa demonstration by Robert Thompson (Dan Bon #1791) on left and Frank Scarlecio (Dan Bon #1790) on right in 1960 during the MDK 15th years of anniversary demonstration.
  • 1960-1962: Returning servicemen and others begin opening Tang Soo Do studios in U.S. including: Dale Drouilard (#757) in Wyandotte, Michigan / Robert Thompson(#1791) in Dayton Ohio / Lawrence Seiberlich(#1815) in St.Paul Min. / John Butterwick(#2277)Military / Robert Cheezic (#2278) Waterbury, CT., Carlos ‘Chuck’ Norris (#2819),Torrance Ca. / Frank Trojanowicz (#13333) / Joe Weeks(#3596),MagnoliaAr. Lynn Jackson(#3597) Oberlin, Ohio / James Ruston(#4130) Military / Russell Hanke (#4137)Detroit Mich., Robert Sohn (#6037) New York. / James Cummings(#4493)Military / Robert Shipley (#4825), Honolulu, Hi., David J. Praim(#3593), Mt. Clemems, MI, / Robert Beaudoin (#5657) Waterbury, CT. / Jong Hyan Lee (#1885), San Diego Ca. / Lynn Jackson (#3597) , Lorain Ohio / Ki Whang Kim (No Dan Bon) (Washington D.C.) / Shim Sang Kyu (#180) Wyandotte, Mi. / Ahn Kyong Won (#1763) Cincinnati, OH
osan moo duk kwan service club photo
Osan Air Force Base Moo Duk Kwan exhibition in the service club, Dec 19, 1960. Of interest in this photo are Robert Thompson (Dan Bon #1791) and Carlos (Chuck) Norris (Dan Bon 2819), both went on to open do jangs in the USA in the 1960s. Also in this photo are Jae Chul Shin (Dan Bon# 698) and Chun Sik Kim (Dan Bon #2457) both Sa Boms went on to help establish the US Federation and eventually their own Tang Soo Do organizatioins outside of the Moo Duk Kwan.
  • 1960 July: Ji Do Kwan becomes second member to join Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Moo Duk Kwan
first team to compete in Japan from UOR 1960 at Kimpo airport
First MDK team to compete in Japan from University of Korea at the Kimpo International Airport, Kwei Byong Yoon, President of Ji Do Kwan and the Founder Hwang Kee at the far right with the team members in 1960
Hwang Kee KJN with Japanese delegate in Japan.
The 1st Japanese team to Korea are taking tour in Korea in 1961. Kwei Byung Yoon, gradmaster of Ji Do Kwan is second left from the Hwang Kee Kwan Jang Nim and Kondo Koichi, head of the All Japan Karate Federation is left of the Hwang Kee Kwan Jang Nim.


  • 1960 October: Instructors assigned to the following USA 8th Army branch studios: 8th Army Headquarters; Moon San: Kyu Sik Shin (#724), Dong Do Chun; Kyong Won Ahn (#1763) ; Inchon; Pusan: Jong Ha Lee
26th dan classing championship Nov 1960 Chun Nam Province
Nov 27, 1960, 26th Dan Classing Championships in Chun Nam Province, the Founder is seated in the center.
  • 1961 May 14th: Formed the Asian Tang Soo Do Association among Korea, Japan and Taiwan
Article in the Dong A Il Bo News paper wrote the demonstrations done by the Japanese team on May 6, 1961.
  • 1961: Col. John T. Butterwick (#2277) put in charge of the first U.S. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan
col john butterwick db 2277 first American to bring MDK to USA
Col. John Butterwick, (Dan Bon #2277) one of the first American Military to bring the MDK to the USA in 1961.
  • 1961 May 16th: Military Revolution lead by Lt. General Park, Chong Hee begins.
  • 1961-1965: Lt. General Park, Chong Hee and Korean Government forced Hwang Kee to stop the monthly publication of the Moo Yei Si Bo (Martial Arts Newspaper) and also released him as an instructor at the ROK
Group who led the military coup.
Poster for the Good will Internationals meet between Korea and Japan on May 6-7, 1961 at Sam Il Dang in Seoul (10 days before the 5.16 Millitary Coup)
  • 1961 May: Academy and National Police Academy with no reason. Both lead efforts to dissolve the Korean Soo Bahk Do Association, Moo Duk Kwan, and impede Hwang Kee's activities.
  • 1961 June: Established Chun Buk Province regional branch
Hwang Kee KJN at the Kyong Ki Do branch Do Jang in 1961
  • 1961 June: Established Tang Soo Do studio at Hong Ik University
  • 1961 October: Established Moo Duk Kwan in Michigan, USA.
  • Dale Drouillard, first American to receive a Dan Bon in the Moo Duk Kwan.
    Dale Drouillard, first American to receive a Dan Bon in the Moo Duk Kwan.
san kyu shim and butterwick
San Kyu Shim SB (Dan Bon#180) and Col Butterwick (Dan Bon #2277) send a note of appreciation to the Founder Hwang Kee in May 1960.
The all Japan Karate team with the Korea University team.
MDK demonstration with E Dan. Yang Bal Cha Gi at the Sam Il Dan during the Internationals.
  • 1962 May: Established Tang Soo Do Association in USA
  • 1962 May: Established Moo Duk Kwan in France
  • 1962 September: Re-registered Korean Soo Bahk Do Association due to ruling of new government
The 2nd Gup Shim Sa at the Kim Po MDK branch Dojang on May 19, 1962.
The Gup Shim Sa at the MDK Pyung Taek branch on February 2, 1962. Young Ha Park (21) is sitting next to Hwang Kee KJN.

  • 1962 September: Established Tang Soo Do Association in Canada
Chuck Norris presents honorary 1st Dan certificate from Moo Duk Kwan founder Hwang Kee to Lt. Col Archie J Old, Jr.
  • 1963: Ki Whang Kim comes to US (Washington D.C.) as Chairmen of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in US

  • 1963 July: Established Tang Soo Do Association in England
  • 1964: Shim Sang Kyu (#180) official representative of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in U.S. sponsored by Russell Hanke (#4137) to come to U.S. to the Detroit area


  • 1964: Participated with Korean team in first Asian Tang Soo Do championship in Japan
1st mdk team to visit japan for goodwill competition 1960
1st Moo Duk Kwan team to visit Japan for Goodwill Competition in 1960
  • 1964 July: Established Tang Soo Do studio at Yeun Sae University
  • 1964 November: Established West German Tang Soo Do Association
  • 1964 December: Board of Directors of Soo Bahk Do changed and registered with government
  • 1964 December: Moo Duk Kwan announces revised charter and by-laws
  • 1965: Sponsored and organized Asian Tang Soo Do Championship
  • 1965 January: Established Moo Duk Kwan branches in Washington D.C., New York, Michigan, California, Washington, Texas and Florida.
  • 1965-1979: Efforts to dissolve the Moo Duk Kwan and unify with Tae Kwon Do, by Lt. General Choi, Hong, These include some of the following actions:
    1. Impediments to acquire passports/ visa's to travel to teach Soo Bahk Do.
    2. Political pressure on Moo Duk Kwan instructors to leave the Moo Duk Kwan and join Tae Kwon Do. (rank, materials, and political status)
    3. Attempts to destroy organizations record of rank and seniority.
    4. Revoking the registration and recognition of the same Korean Soo Bahk Do Association.
    5. Prohibited from attending international events.
  • 1965 May: Korean Soo Bahk Do Association's Legal status revoked; decision appealed to appellate level and relief granted.
  • 1965 August: Established Moo Duk Kwan in Philippines. Casimiro Grandeza (#2883)
Founder with Grandeza SBN in the Phillipines
Founder with Casimiro Grandeza (#2883)
  • 1965 December 28th: Korean Government appeals appellate decision to Supreme Court, won the judgment
  • 1966: Dr. Robert Sohn (#6037) forms the N.Y Moo Duk Kwan Association. He with Edward Gross (#6780), Vincent Nunno (#7291) were put in charge by Grandmaster Hwang Kee to oversee teaching and promotions in the N.Y. area.
2012-01-27 20.45.16
Mr. Robert Sohn, along with Vincent Nunno and Ed Gross established the New York Moo Duk Kwan under the Founders guidance. Photo courtesy of Five Towns Karate.
Master Eugene Perceval on the left sparring Vincent Nunno on the right, at the West Village Karate Club, in NYC, 1964-65
Master Eugene Perceval on the left sparring Vincent Nunno on the right, at the West Village Karate Club, in NYC, 1964-65 Photo from Master Eugene Perceval Personal collection.


Designation Letter from the Founder/Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee, translation.
Designation Letter from the Founder/Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee, translation.
  • 1966 June 21st : Korean Government rules in favor of Korean Soo Bahk Do Association
  • 1966 November: Revised Moo Duk Kwan regulations
  • 1966 December: Revised charter and by-laws of Korean Soo Bahk Do Association as required by the Korean government.
  • 1967: Established Moo Duk Kwan in Malaysia. Wha Yong Chung (#410), Soon Ho Chang (#3722).
Wha Yong Chung Sa bom Nim
Wha Yong Chung Sa bom Nim
  • 1968: Sponsored and organized first World and fifth Asian Tang Soo Do Championship at Citizen Hall, Seoul
  • 1968: August: Election of new Korean Soo Bahk Do Association Board of Directors and registration with the government.
  • 1968: Established Moo Duk Kwan in Greece. George R. Page (#11772)
  • 1969: Participated at the second World and sixth Asian Tang Soo Do Championship (Philippines)



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