Moo Duk Kwan® School Proudly Remembers Mr. Noah Lange Dan Bon #47891


The World Moo Duk Kwan Proudly Remembers…

Mr. Noah Lange – Dan Bon #47891

February 8, 2002 – July 18, 2017



Noah Lange, Dan Bon#47891, passed away unexpectedly on July 18th at the age of 15 years old.  Noah began Soo Bahk Do with Mary Williamson when in the 2nd grade.  He loved taking classes with his friends and putting on demonstrations to promote Soo Bahk Do.  He earned is Dan rank on April 21, 2012.  Noah was extremely proud of this accomplishment.  Noah used the discipline he learned as a Dan to become a better leader in the other groups and organizations he was a member of; Children of the American Revolution, Boy Scout Troop 10 (Noah earned his Eagle Scout rank), Chattahoochee Marching Band and his church youth group to name a few.  Noah was a kind, caring, compassionate, giving, talented and funny young man who will be greatly missed by his family and friends.

Respectfully submitted for

Michelle K. Lange


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Activity at every licensed Moo Duk Kwan® martial art school in the USA is overseen by at least one Internationally Certified Instructor who assures the quality of the training experience and the authenticity of the Moo Duk Kwan® philosophy and Soo Bahk Do® skills being taught to students who are enrolled there.