- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 1
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 2
1950-1959 - Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 3
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 4
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 5
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 6
Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 2 (1950's) in a series of timelines about his life and the history of his Moo Duk Kwan® martial art school. Click on the hyperlinks to see historic photos in the history of the Moo Duk Kwan®
Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee
Hwang Kee Moo Duk Kwan® Martial Art School Founder and
Soo Bahk Do® (Tang Soo Do) martial art system creator

1950, June 25th, Korean war begins and suspends teaching for seventeen months photo courtesy of http://remembrance2010.indev.com.au/#p=media/15/Korean-War


- 1950 July: Hwang Kee's family relocates to Seok Got Ri. (a village located in the town of Jang Dan Myun, which he was born, to be with family and relatives during these uncertain times)
- 1950 July: Hwang family's one year old child dies, from the difficult times and conditions
- 1950: North Koreans begins to investigate the loyalty of employees of the Ministry of Transportation.
- 1950: Arrested a second time by Communist Party and North Korean military (after all employees are asked to write a biography describing their history, employment, political beliefs and loyalties). He fled to his fathers relative in Seoul, to escape, but was found, arrested, then released, then followed by party officials, and escaped using his martial arts skills, and fled to a cousins home in Tchang Sin Dong, Dong Dae Mun Ku, Seoul.
- 1950 September: General MacArthur's forces move into Seoul, Hwang Kee returns home

- 1950: Returns to work at the Ministry of Transportation, and is arrested a third time and tortured in another unsuccessful attempt to make him confess, after a Mr. Kim, found evidence the North Koreans had forced him to write.
- 1951 January 4th to the January 4th: Hwang Kee and family flees on foot and railroad 146 miles southeast to Dae Gu. It was due Retreat by the North Korea and Chinese attack forces.

- 1951 June: Arrested a fourth time and accused of sympathizing with North Koreans, he resisted and was severely beaten, tortured by hanging upside down, water boarding, then trying to force him to confess. As he was lead one day by a guard with a rifle and given a blanket (use to wrap dead bodies), he was convinced that he was to be shot, the guard said he forgot something and they returned to torture him more. Thinking his family would be shot also if he did not confess, he signed a confession. His family was working to free him , and had a relative (Hwang Jin Young, Hwang Kee's older brothers son, who was a prosecutor and carried a high level of authority, and powerful government position) after seeing him demanded his release, and commanded the police to apologize and rewrite their report and repudiate the confession.
- 1951 October: Hwang Family relocates to Pusan, taught Tang Soo (Hwa Soo) Do at the Cho Ryang Station.
- 1951: Established temporary Moo Duk Kwan Headquarters in Cho Ryang-Dong, Pusan
- 1952 April, Began teaching at the Police Academy in Pusan
- 1952, October, Began instruction at the Ministry of Defense in Pusan
- 1953 September, Returned to Seoul to re-establish Moo Duk Kwan Headquarters after Korean War ends.

- 1953, Established Korean Tang Soo Do Association, presiding as Chairman
- 1953 November, Established Tang Soo Do studios in middle and high schools throughout Korea
- 1953 December, Applied to join Korean Athletic Association
- 1954 April, Established Tang Soo Do studio in Mapo Correctional Facility
- 1954 July, Attempted to unify Korean Tang Soo Do Association and Korean Kong Soo Do Association (Chong Do Kwan, Jido Kwan, Chang Moo Kwan, Song Moo Kwan
- 1955 May, Grand Opening of headquarters (43-1 Dong Ja-Dong, Choong Gu, Seoul)
- 1955 July, Established the following provincial Moo Duk Kwan branches:
- 1) Seoul: Tchang Young Chung (#15), Se Joon Oh (#26), Seong Heon Chung (#28), Poong Tcheon Kim (#17), Hee Seok Choi (#5), Kang Ik Lee (#19),
- 2) Kyung Ki Do: In Seok Kim (#12), Yong Ha Park (#21),
- 3) Gang Won,
- 4) Kyung Buk: Jong Soo Hong (#10),
- 5) Kyung Nam: Eok Tcheon Lee (#49),
- 6)Chun Nam,
- 7) Choong Buk: Sam Hyun Nam (#4), Myong Soon Lim (#20).

- 1955 August, Ministry of Education prohibits teaching Tang Soo Do in middle and high schools throughout Korea
- 1955 August, Established Tang Soo Do studio in Seo Dae Moon Correctional Facility
- 1955 August, Established Tang Soo Do studio at Korean Air Force Headquarters. Young Tae Han (#37) was appointed as an Instructor.
- 1955 October 30th: Organized and chaired first International Goodwill Demonstration between Korea and China, at Si Gong Kwan (City Public Hall)
- 1956: Retires from Ministry of Transportation to focus fulltime on development of the Moo Duk Kwan
- 1956 March, Begins teaching at Korean Air Force Academy.
- 1956 March, Dispatched instructors to the following bases: Soo Won: Young Seok Kim(#32), Sa Chun: Myung Kyu Kang (#59), Dae Gu: Sang Seop Ji (#39), and Dae Jun Air Force Academy
Narration below by H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim: Photo taken during the Dan Shim Sa at Ma Po bridge dojang in Seoul, Hwang Kee, Kwan Jang Nim is seated in the center is scoring the Shim Sa.

- 1956 May,Begins instructing at Korean Navel Academy. Jin Tae Hwang (#11) was appointed as an Instructor.
- 1956 June, Established Tang Soo Do studio at Korean Navel Headquarters. Young Taek Kim was appointed (#526)
- 1956 June, Established Tang Soo Do studio at In Ha Engineering University. Young Ha Park (#21)

- 1956 October, Established Tang Soo Do at Korean Military Police Headquarters
- 1956 October, Established Tang Soo Do at Army Printing Corps
- 1956 November, Established Tang Soo Do at the R.O.K. 2nd Army
- 1957: Introduced to the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji, at Seoul National Library, by Professor Na Hyun Seong of the Seoul National University
- 1957 Dale Drouillard (#757) becomes 1st American serviceman to achieve Dan under Hwang Kee

- Col Butterwick below Jumping Front Kick, a photo he sent to Hwang Kee Kwan Jang Nim in appreciation.

- 1957 May 18th, Taught at Seoul Technical High School
- 1957 May, Established Tang Soo Do studio at Korean Marine Corps. Soo Yong Cha (#269)
- 1957 July, Established Tang Soo Do at Han Yang University in Seoul. Hee Seok Choi (#5)
- 1957 September, Established Tang Soo Do at the U.S. 8th Army in Young San. Cho Hwan (#80), Sang Kyu Shim (#180)

- 1958 July, Authored second Tang Soo Do self-defense textbook (Tang Soo Do Bo Sin Bop)
- 1958 November 30th: International Goodwill Demonstration with Korea, China and USA, Seoul, Korea
- 1959 May, Established Tang Soo Do studio in Seoul Agricultural University in Soo Won. Young Hwan Lee (#147)
- 1959 July, Established Tang Soo Do studio in Koryo University, Seoul. Jin Gil Kim (#99).
- 1959 October, Established Tang Soo Do studio at Air Force University. Nak Eon Baek (#194).
- 1959: Mariano Estioko (#759) becomes second American to achieve Dan under Hwang Kee

Audio narration by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang: Photo taken during the ceremony of Goodwill Moo Do demonstration among Korea, China and USA, this was held at the city hall in Seoul during 1950.
Audio narration by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang: Hwang Kee, Kwan Jang Nim, with Lee Chun Yun Sa Bom at Kimpo International Airport in Korea during late 1960s.
Video of Moo Do Kyo Pa Demonstration in Korea, year unknown. (Videos courtesy of YouTube and photos of Dale Drouillard, courtesy of Internet site on Dale Drouillard.)
Narration by H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim: photo taken after Grand Opening of Moo Duk Kwan branch do jang in Chu Nan province on Jan 31, 1960, Hwang Kee, Kwan Jang Nim is the 3rd from the right in the first row.