- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 1
1914-1949 - Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 2
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 3
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 4
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 5
- Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 6
Kee Hwang, Moo Duk Kwan® Founder, Part 1 (1914-1949) in a series of timelines about his life and the history of his Moo Duk Kwan® martial art school. Click on the hyperlinks to see historic photos in the history of the Moo Duk Kwan®
This historical project would not have been possible without the guidance and historical input of Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang.
Written by Steven Lemner (Dan Bon 23703)
Proof reading and historical input by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang (Dan Bon 509)
Proof reading and historical input by Frank Bonsignore, Sa Bom Nim (Dan Bon 15805 )
Layout ,web design and proof reading by Master Roberto Bonefont Sr. (Dan Bon 13927 )
Layout and web design by Phil Duncan, Sa Bom Nim (Dan Bon 20631 )
Photo review and watermarking by Rich Ahlers, Kyo Sa Nim (Dan Bon 45476 )
Thanks to the many members both current and past for sharing the many photographs and data
of the Moo Duk Kwan's founder Hwang Kee and Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang's history.
Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee
Hwang Kee Moo Duk Kwan® Martial Art School Founder and
Soo Bahk Do® (Tang Soo Do) martial art system creator
- 1862 June 13th: Hwang Kees' father born Hwang Yong Hwan, Educated in Chinese Classics and History. He attended the Law Academy and held the title of Hoon Mun Gwan (Extensive Literary Scholar) He also held the position of Government Secretary.
Narration by H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim: Kwan Jang Nim's Father, Hwan Yong Hwang at age of 76, the caligraphy in background is his personal work.
- Born: November 9, 1914 in Jang Dan, Kyong Ki province. Named Tae Nam (Star Boy) by his father, youngest of three children. One brother 20 years older, and one sister
- 1914 May 13th: the future Mrs. Hwang Kee was born ( Cho Kyung Kap)
- 1919: Hwang Kee's mother passes away
- 1921:Exposed to Tae Kyun, Sip Pal Ki at a (Dan Oh festival) (7 yrs old)
- 1925: Started Elementary school, Hwang Kee as a Teenager
- 1928 April: Married Cho Kyung Kap (though an arranged marriage, typical of the time and culture) They had five children; two boys and three girls. Hwang Hyun Chul was the first son.
A Moment with the family with the Kwan Jang Nim. First row, from the left, Hwang Kee, Kwan Jang Nim, Mrs. Hwang Kee, and his older sister, the back row, from left, 3rd daughter, 1st daughter, 2nd daughter, his nephew and his son, photo taken in 1967. (H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim, narrating)
- 1935 March:Graduated from High School, age 21 (on track team, abacus team, interest in astronomy)
- 1936: Began martial arts training in Manchuria, China, Introduced to Master Yang, Kuk Jin
- 1936- 1945: Begins work for the Railway Company, Cho Sun Railway Bureau, Jo Yang Chun Station
- 1937: Returned to Seoul
- 1941: Returned to Manchuria, China, to visit and train with Master Yang.
- 1945: August 15th, World War II ends
- 1946: China become a Communist country. Hwang Kee is unable to communicate or visit Master Yang
- November 9th, 1945: Founded the Moo Duk Kwan School and established first Hwa Soo Do class in the Ministry of Transportation, Yong San Ku, Seoul Korea
- 1947 March 4th: H. C. Hwang (Jin Mun Hwang) Born Seoul, Korea, (the oldest child)
- 1947 March: Attempted to unify the five major existing styles in Korea: A) Moo Duk Kwan B) Chung Do Kwan C) Yeun Moo Kwan D) Song Moo Kwan E) YMCA Kwon Bup Bu
- 1947: Presided as chairman at the first Hwa Soo Do demonstration in the Transportation High School Gymnasium
- 1947 May 7th: Established the first Regional branch Tang Soo Do school in Dae Jun City, Choong-Nam Province. Sam Hyun Nam (#4) was appointed as an Instructor
- 1947, June 5th: Established Hwa Soo Do (Tang Soo Do) school in the Department of Railways.
- 1947, July 7th: Established Hwa Soo Do (Tang Soo Do) school in the Labor Department
- 1948: Arrested and tortured for the first time, in an unsuccessful attempt to force him to confess that he was a left-wing Communist sympathizer. After several days of torture and imprisonment he was released. (This event was precipitated by flyers, that were found on the floor where he taught that supported Communist activities and North Korean political policy. This was believed to be an attempt by a competitor to discredit him and his growing success and visibility of his martial arts organization)
- 1949, May 30th: Authored the first Hwa Soo Do Kyo Bohn textbook in Korea
- 1949 October 19th: 3rd Hwa Soo Do demonstration at Transportation Technical High School
Narration by H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim: Demonstration given by Hwang Kee Kwan Jang Nim, on Oct 19, 1949.
Narration of photo provided by H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim: The photo taken with Moo Duk Kwan Students from the National Police Academy after Beach Training during 1958.
Early footage of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan training video originally filmed by Jae Joon Kim for use in the USA, around the mid 1960s. Video footage courtesy of YOUTUBE
Video below features a young H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim free sparring.
Narration by H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim: Dan Class conducted by Hwang Kee, Kwan Jang Nim, at the Yong San Do Jang in Seoul, in 1954, the Kwan Jang Nim is at the center front.