Moo Duk Kwan® School Proudly Remembers Fred Kenyon, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon 14345, Charter Member

Fred Kenyon, Dan Bon 14345
Fred Kenyon, Dan Bon 14345
This entry is part 3 of 15 in the series Moo Duk Kwan Memorials
Fred Kenyon, Dan Bon 14345
Fred Kenyon, Dan Bon 14345


The World Moo Duk Kwan® Proudly Remembers…

Frederick (Fred) Charles Kenyon, Dan Bon 14345

Charter Member United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation®

Fred Kenyon was a founding Charter member of the U.S. Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Fred Kenyon, Sa Bom Nim was involved in the construction of the U.S. Federation Charter and was present for the National Convention at the Hilton Hotel in New York in 1976.

Fred Kenyon, Sa Bom Nim escorting Moo Duk Kwan founder Hwang Kee during a visit to California
Fred Kenyon, Sa Bom Nim escorting Moo Duk Kwan founder Hwang Kee during a visit to California

In 1974-1976, before the U.S. Federation's formation, Charter Members met, collaborated, conceived the U.S. Federation's primary objective for existence and created the legal structure which became our U.S. Federation. Charter Members wear a special GOLD FEDERATION PATCH.

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Above Fred Kenyon Sa Bom Nim, Master Chuck Norris, and Andy Ah Po, Sa Bom Nim.
*Photos Courtesy of  Daymon Kenyon, Sa bom Nim and Sam Kressin (
Respectfully submitted in memory of Fred Kenyon Sa Bom Nim.
Series Navigation<< Moo Duk Kwan® School Proudly Remembers Master Jae Joon Kim, Dan Bon 38World Moo Duk Kwan® Proudly Remembers John A, Dellapia, Sa Bom Nim Dan Bon #14363 >>Moo Duk Kwan® School Proudly Remembers John T. Butterwick, Sa Bom Nim, Dan Bon 2227 >>
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